Workplace-based assessment has become increasingly crucial in the postgraduate training of specialists in South Africa, particularly for family physicians. The development of a Portfolio of Learning (PoL) has been a central focus within the discipline of family medicine for over a decade. Initially, a paper-based portfolio was adopted to collect evidence of learning for 50 out of 85 agreed exit-level outcomes. Stellenbosch University led the conversion of this portfolio into an electronic format, known as e-PoL, utilising Scorion software. The e-PoL was successfully implemented in the Western and Eastern Cape regions and was subsequently adopted nationally under the coordination of the South African Academy of Family Physicians. In 2023, the e-PoL underwent a redesign to gather evidence of learning for 22 entrustable professional activities (EPAs). Key insights from this development process underscore the importance of the PoL in supporting assessment-for-learning rather than merely assessment-of-learning. This necessitates features for feedback and interaction, ensuring that the PoL functions beyond a mere repository of forms. Additionally, the e-PoL should facilitate triangulation, aggregation, and saturation of data points to effectively measure EPAs. Furthermore, the PoL has not only documented learning but has also played a pivotal role in guiding the development of clinical training by explicitly outlining expectations for both registrars and supervisors. While the initial design and development costs are significant, operational costs become affordable when shared across all training programmes.
Keywords: electronic; portfolio of learning; postgraduate; training; assessment; family medicine; South Africa.
Postgraduate family medicine training in South Africa occurs in health services. Workplace-based assessment (WPBA) is becoming more critical for high-stakes decision-making.1 Each of the nine universities is embracing WPBA to make decisions on progression through the 4-year training programmes, and the College of Family Physicians is strengthening the role of WPBA in the national fellowship examination.
Workplace-based assessment requires four components.2 Firstly, the goals of WPBA are defined in terms of entrustable professional activities (EPAs). The development of EPAs has been described in a separate short report.3 Secondly, WPBA requires effective clinical training by skilful supervisors within a supportive learning environment. The development of clinical trainers has also been described in another short report.4 Thirdly, the evidence of learning and competence is collected in a portfolio of learning (PoL) that provides the data for WPBA. Lastly, the evidence collected in the PoL is scrutinised and assessed by a competency committee, which makes a summative decision. This short report elaborates on developing the electronic PoL for postgraduate family medicine training in South Africa.
Design of the paper-based portfolio of learning
In 2010, the discipline of family medicine in South Africa agreed on 85 learning outcomes for postgraduate training aligned to five unit standards.5 These unit standards focus on leadership and governance, clinical work, family- and community-orientated primary care, clinical training and capacity building, ethics and professionalism. Summative decisions on competence were made using traditional methods, which included oral examinations, written papers, objective structured clinical examinations and simulated consultations. These methods were removed from the workplace, could not assess all the required competencies and sometimes lacked validity.
At the same time, the assessment of specialists at the end of training became the responsibility of the Colleges of Medicine of South Africa (CMSA). They required every candidate to present an acceptable PoL to enter the licensing examination. The discipline of family medicine participated in a national Delphi study and reached a consensus that 50 of the 85 learning outcomes should be assessed by the PoL.6 The same Delphi study recommended several assessment methods based on fundamental principles. The portfolio was designed and implemented nationally and evaluated in terms of its acceptability, educational impact, usefulness for assessment, the experience of registrars and supervisors and reliability.7,8,9 The final portfolio was paper based and implemented by all training programmes. The contents of the PoL are listed in Table 1.
TABLE 1: Contents of the national paper-based portfolio of learning. |
Conversion to an electronic portfolio
Stellenbosch University (SU) explored the possibility of developing an electronic version to replace the paper-based PoL. A key issue was the cost needed to design and develop a PoL while ongoing operational costs were affordable in South Africa. Some training programmes attempted to use existing course management software (e.g. Moodle) or research software (e.g. REDCap). However, these could not provide the required educational functionality, such as trainee reflections and supervisor feedback from observed clinical practice.
Many postgraduate training programmes in other regions are using e-PoLs.10 After an exploration of the software options available, SU identified EPASS (Electronic Portfolio and Assessment Support) as a product that would support our content and educational principles.11 The EPASS portfolio was developed, partly funded by a research grant and implemented. However, the EPASS company withdrew from South Africa, necessitating the search for an alternative. Without a locally developed version, we identified Scorion, an online portfolio for programmatic assessment that digitally records and provides feedback on educational activities in the form of data.12 The developers fortunately negotiated a grant from the Dutch government to support the development of an e-PoL for Family Medicine in South Africa.
An evaluation compared the e-PoL to the previous paper-based version.13 The researchers concluded that ‘overall the e-portfolio was an improvement on the paper-based portfolio because it was more accessible, user-friendly, secure, structured, enabled better monitoring of progress and improved the quality of feedback’.13 Although the e-PoL requires an internet connection, the EPASS and Scorion portfolios were also successfully implemented at Walter Sisulu University, which works in one of the most rural and impoverished provinces of South Africa.
Although SU developed Scorion, it remained aligned with the nationally agreed PoL content and structure. This allowed SU to offer the Scorion e-PoL to all family medicine training programmes in the country and for the SA Academy of Family Physicians to coordinate the management platform at a national level. Eight of the nine training programmes adopted the Scorion e-PoL and shared the costs, with the previously disadvantaged universities accommodated in the cost sharing. The redesign of the Scorion portfolio cost approximately R400 000. The ongoing operational costs include an annual licence fee (R12 500/institution) and an annual fee per supervisor (R60) and registrar (R650) to register on the system. There is also a fee for the service desk that is determined by the number of hours of support required from Scorion. This is anticipated to cost R70 000 over 2 years.
Revision of the electronic portfolio for entrustable professional activities
After the e-PoL was implemented across the country, the CMSA and the National Committee of Medical Deans agreed on an initiative to strengthen WPBA. The discipline of family medicine reached a national consensus on 22 EPAs, which necessitated a redesign of the e-PoL.3 Although the portfolio’s content remained largely the same, the redesign process provided an opportunity for a focused review of content with updated adjustments to required skills. The process also required aggregating the ‘data points’ represented by each portfolio entry to measure the 22 EPAs. This meant that each ‘form’ was redesigned to link it to the relevant EPAs, and new reports were created to display the quantitative and qualitative evidence for each EPA. Wherever possible, the clinical supervisor had to record an ad hoc entrustment decision for the registrar for that data point on a scale from 1 to 5, as follows:
Can observe only.
Direct supervision (the supervisor must be next to the registrar).
Indirect supervision (the supervisor must be available in the facility).
Distant supervision (the supervisor can be available off-site at a distance).
Supervising others (no supervision is needed).
The process of annual portfolio assessments was replaced by a local clinical competency committee that would make a summative entrustment decision for each EPA twice a year based on the evidence provided.14 The design of the new version of the e-PoL is summarised in Table 2.
TABLE 2: Content of the electronic portfolio of learning redesigned for workplace-based assessment. |
Key lessons learnt
The PoL is more than simply a repository for forms that assess learning but should support the educational principle of ‘assessment-for-learning’.15 Each data point in the PoL should be an opportunity for constructive feedback or reflection that stimulates further learning. Therefore, clinical trainers must be skilful in providing such feedback and recording it in the PoL. Faculty development is needed to enable this. Too often, clinical trainers simply record scores with no feedback, fail to guide future learning or provide generic and vague feedback that cannot easily be implemented. In our PoL, we have emphasised feedback structured into three questions: what was done well, what could be done better and what the learner needs to do next (an action plan). In addition, we have moved away from scores in the various forms to ad-hoc entrustment decisions. This approach to the design and use of the e-PoL emphasise the importance of trust between registrars and trainers, the relevance of the clinical context and the creation of a learning culture that facilitates WPBA.16,17
The e-PoL should support key principles of WPBA, namely triangulation, aggregation and saturation. Triangulation implies that there are various data points from different assessors in different settings to support an entrustment decision on each EPA. Aggregation requires that the data points be designed in such a way that they can be aggregated to measure the EPAs. Saturation is achieved when enough data points support an entrustment decision on the EPA. In this way, the PoL also supports ‘assessment-of-learning’. These data points then serve as evidence in making summative entrustment decisions for each EPA to ascertain readiness for the national exit exams by the end of the third year of study.
In South Africa, the speciality of family medicine was established in 2008, and the PoL has been developed alongside the training programmes. In this context, the PoL also acted as a guide and a benchmark for what was expected from clinical trainers and registrars in the workplace. It did not just document what happened but shaped the clinical training itself and made expectations explicit. The e-PoL allowed programme coordinators to monitor the performance of both registrars and clinical trainers continuously. Regular feedback helped ensure that registrars completed the PoL over the whole year and that supervisors were aware of their contributions relative to their peers. The migration to the e-PoL (and the subsequent development of EPAs) also stimulated other engagements and reflections on the curriculum content, allowing for focused updates and changes in the range of required skills.
In contrast to the paper-based portfolio, the e-PoL made summative assessment by the clinical competency committee much easier as data could be automatically aggregated and displayed in reports, graphs or radar diagrams (dashboard).
Developing an e-PoL for postgraduate family medicine training in South Africa has been a complex process to clarify what clinical training and supervision are needed, source funding and develop a feasible and valuable digital platform. It has also involved getting people to engage with it early on and supporting users with a management platform. Lessons learnt could be helpful for other family medicine programmes and clinical disciplines in similar contexts in sub-Saharan Africa.
The authors express their sincere thanks to the colleagues who participated in the implementation of the e-porfolio.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no financial or personal relationship(s) that may have inappropriately influenced them in writing this article.
Authors’ contributions
R.M. conceptualised the article. L.J., R.M., T.M. and M.N. provided inputs to subsequent drafts. All authors scrutinised and approved the final manuscript.
Funding information
This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.
Data availability
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analysed in this study.
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and are the product of professional research. It does not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any affiliated institution, funder, agency or that of the publisher. The authors are responsible for this article’s results, findings and content.
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