Original Research
Health care seeking and financial behaviours of the elderly during wartime in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo
Submitted: 09 August 2009 | Published: 14 June 2010
About the author(s)
M. Prosper Lutala, Department of Family Medicine, University of Goma, Congo, the Democratic Republic of theTimothée M. Kwalya, Chercheur Indépendant Programme Elargi des Vaccinations, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Eric K. Kasagila, Department of Community Health School, Public Health College of Medicine, Malawi
L. Hubert Watongoka, Chercheur Indépendant Programme Ecole Sans Enseignant Bukavu, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Bavon W. Mupenda, Centre Interdisciplinaire de Bioéthique pour L’Afrique Francophone, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the behaviour of the elderly in seeking care during a time of conflict.
Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in the health district Goma, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), using a multistage sampling of 500 senior citizens. Eight trained field-workers were deployed in the field where they administered a structured questionnaire.
Results: The public health sector was well known and preferred by 186 participants (37.2%), but only used by 16 (3.2%) participants. Financial support received by the elderly came from their own relatives and fellow believers in 33.5% and 20.2% of cases, respectively. Almost 71% of monetary support is the result of begging and unknown sources – there is no government involvement whatsoever. Much of the external support that the elderly receive involves support in the form of food. Disease expenses remain a main concern of the elderly themselves.
Conclusion: Government support for the elderly in the DRC is non-existent. There is an overuse of private sector and traditional medicine, despite the preference indicated for the public health sector. As a recommendation, a general increase in income-related activities could contribute to alleviating the health state of the elderly in a war situation. Further studies might explore in future the contribution of those results on the health of elders.
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Crossref Citations
1. Health needs of older populations affected by humanitarian crises in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Emma Massey, James Smith, Bayard Roberts
Conflict and Health vol: 11 issue: 1 year: 2017
doi: 10.1186/s13031-017-0133-x