Opinion Paper
The district hospital: A rare story of success and a way forward
Submitted: 03 October 2024 | Published: 16 January 2025
About the author(s)
Jason Fader, Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Hope Africa University, Bujumbura, BurundiTim Fader, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Hope Africa University, Bujumbura, Burundi
The district hospital is a vital part of the healthcare system in sub-Saharan Africa. It is the key to enabling Primary Health Care to be done well, which in turn can allow for Universal Health Coverage to be achieved. There are numerous challenges at district hospitals making successful ones somewhat rare. One example of a successful district hospital is put forth in this article. In order to increase the number of successful district hospitals a means of sharing solutions to common problems needs to be created, which would ideally be an online repository of said solutions, available to any interested district hospital.
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